RooM Technical Guides

Any images that you submit to the marketplace must meet our basic technical standards regarding image resolution and image quality. These are industry standards, created to make sure images can be purchased for as many different uses as possible and to reassure clients that they can use images they select in the way they want to.

RooM Briefs are a series of specially compiled shoot Briefs, available via the RooM app and website.

They offer a short description of a specific type of subject matter that also includes creative ideas and tips designed to provide you with all the useful and relevant information you need to produce the kind of images our clients are looking for.

Our art directors carry out extensive creative research into the most current trends across social networks, advertising and the influence people like you have on brand marketing.

We frequently gather feedback from our customers, and scrutinize sales data to understand exactly what our customers are buying and what they need next. Not only that but we use our knowledge and your talents to tell our clients what they want before they know it!

Each Brief has an active lifespan of two weeks. This means that once it goes live, you have two weeks to submit to that particular Brief. 10 new Briefs will become active every day so even with the two-week lifespan, there will be dozens of active Briefs available to you at any one time.

Each Brief will give you a clear description of the subject matter that we’re interested in. Then it’s simply up to you to make sure that your image is top quality. These 10 rules will help guide you:

  1. Idea - What are you trying to say in your image?
  2. Simplicity - Don’t over complicate the idea or the aesthetics.
  3. Light - Keep images bathed in natural light and avoid hard shadows.
  4. Focus - Images must be in focus. The Subject should be sharp.
  5. Composition - Avoid awkward angles, poor crops and being too far away or too close that your idea becomes unclear.
  6. Color - Clients love colourful images. Make yours stand out above the rest.
  7. Don't over treat - Filters and apps are great for making the best of your images, but don’t over use them. Images should still look natural and subjects as they really are.
  8. No logos or branding - For legal reasons any logos, branding, trademark and copyright items cannot be in the shot.
  9. Balance.
  10. Quality - We want the best quality images both technically and creatively. Our clients use your images to promote their products and services, so they want the best.

You can upload to Briefs via the RooM website or via our RooM App.

All you have to do is select a category and then sub-category, open up the Brief and upload your image. Once that’s done it’s just a matter of adding the appropriate metadata (caption, description and keywords) and any releases, if required.

You can upload one image at a time to a Brief.

No, you can submit as many images as you like to a particular Brief.

No, you can submit to as many active Briefs as you want to.

Images are reviewed in date order and will be reviewed as quickly as possible depending on the volume of images being submitted.

Certainly not. Although RooM has been set up as a mobile photography community, we also accept images taken with cameras, as long as they meet our basic technical requirements. Camera images should always be uploaded via the site and NOT via the iPhone app however.

We only accept jpg files, with the minimal compression allowed, to RooM.

Yes. We use the image resolution as a guide to size and quality and submitted images need to be 3MP (mega pixels) or more to be accepted.

A resolution of 3MP means an image contains 3 million pixels. So, for example, an image that is 1500 pixels along the short edge and 2000 pixels along the long edge would contain 3 million pixels.